Most Effective Dr. nuskhe Weight loss Ayurvedic Medicines For You

फ़ेसबुक पर घरेलु नुस्खे ग्रुप जॉइन करने के लिए click करें

Weight loss Ayurvedic medicines have been around the corner for a long time. The sole reason for this sector to have withstood all these times is simple, they are all-natural.

Our bodies have already become a host of chemicals and preservatives which are sold in the markets in the name of weight loss supplements.

According to Ayurveda, our constitution is governed by three bodily intelligences called doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Among these three bodily intelligences, it is usually an imbalance with the kapha dosha that is responsible for weight gain.

To lose excess body fat, we recommend diet and lifestyle practices that reduce kapha in our bodies. Kapha is essential for strength, stability, protection and immunity, however it is important to avoid excess kapha as it can quickly lead to weight gain.

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Causes of kapha imbalance

  • Too much sleeping, too little exercise
  • Too many heavy, cold, sweet and/or salty foods
  • Eating foods that reduce our digestive power (such as processed foods)
  • Over-eating
  • Eating at inappropriate times of the day

Poor diet is a primary cause of accumulation of toxins in our tissues, which is turns leads to production of fat cells.

Diet principles to reduce kapha

Eat small quantities of food more often throughout the day rather than 2-3 large meals.

Enjoy one main meal a day, preferably at lunchtime when digestion is strong. Our internal digestive fire is strongest when the fire in the sky – the sun – is strongest, that is in the middle of the day.

Include warm soupy meals in your diet often, as they are very easy to digest. A good staple meal is kitchari (see recipe).

Dr. nuskhe weight loss kitq And Medwin Tablet  people of all ages can take it. or Call Whatsapp no 7455896433

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Aim for around 30% of your daily intake to come from vegetarian protein source, or a small amount of white meat. Avoid red meat where possible. Protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

Your diet should have around 20% of wholegrains that could include porridges made from a variety of grains such as buckwheat, millet, quinoa, corn, spelt etc. Eat grains at breakfast and lunchtime when digestion is strongest. Avoid processed grains and cereals and try to keep bread to a minimum.

Fruits and vegetables should be around 50% of the food you eat. Include as much variety as you can and don’t overly rely on sweet vegetables and fruit.

Exclude all processed foods from your diet. They often contain high amounts of sugar and salt which is not good for weight loss, or indeed any healthy eating regime.

Salt is an important part of a healthy diet; however, it should come from a small amount added to our meals. The best forms of slat to eat are black salt.

A healthy weight loss diet should include a moderate amount of spices (all spices). Begin experimenting with traditional ayurvedic spices in your cooking – including turmeric, ginger, fennel, ajwain, fenugreek, cloves, cardamom, cumin etc.

Dr. nuskhe weight loss kitq And Medwin Tablet  people of all ages can take it. or Call Whatsapp no 7455896433

click on link or on buy now to order

जिन लोगों को ये तीन समस्यायें हों,*

*1 – लिं का , छोटा ,पतला होना या टेढ़ा होना ।*
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*3 – सेक् करते वक्त, लिं में कड़ापन ना आना, या फिर कड़ापन आते ही तुरन्त ढीला हो जाना तथा ,,*
*शीघ्रपत की बीमारी होना ।*
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